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Filing cabinets

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Flexcube filing cabinets – endless design options Every office needs storage space. Having storage space within easy reach is an important factor to being able to work efficiently. A drawer cabinet below the desk stores all necessary utensils. Also files and folders that need to be accessed frequently should be stored in a cabinet close to the work desk. What does the term "filing cabinet" stand for? A filing cabinet or office cabinet is the generic term for cabinets used in the office. They are used to store paper documents in file folders or hanging registers. The open filing shelf is the simplest form of file storage. The folders are always visible, which makes access easier. However, an office with too much open storage can quickly give the impression of being unstructured. A filing cabinet always offers closed storage. Folders or hanging registers disappear behind doors, flaps or blinds. A filing cabinet shall often be lockable. This is essential for storing sensitive data. The two traditional forms of lockable filing cabinets are the filing cabinet and the hanging file cabinet. They are mainly found in a doctor’s office, a notary’s office or the HR department, for example. Modern office landscapes, on the other hand, work with many mixed forms. Modern office shelving combines open and closed storage or storage and display functions. Modular office furniture systems offer the most diverse options for this. The filing cabinet made of metal, such as the Flexcube or USM Haller filing cabinet is a classic of upscale office equipment. What advantages do modular furniture systems offer? Modular furniture is based on the building block principle. Various elements of the modular system can be combined according to your wishes and needs. You can personalize your filing cabinet exactly to your needs. If the requirements change, Flexcube furniture can be expanded or reassembled at any time in terms of size or function. How many folders does a Flexcube element hold? There is space for 10 federal folders in an open Flexcube element (75x40cm). In a closed element there are 9 federal folders. How many suspension files does a Flexcube element hold? The narrow extension (40m) almost 70 empty stops, the wide extension (75cm) almost 140 empty stops.

Über 1.000 zufriedne schweizer KMUs.

4,9 von 5 Sternen!

Flexcube Möbel erhält eine Bewertung von herausragenden 4,9 von 5 Sternen, basierend auf verifizierten Rezensionen von Trustedshops, Trustedpilot und Google Reviews von Schweizer KMUs.

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Michael Doswald

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Ich bin von flexcube begeistert! Alles (Konfiguration, Bestellung, Lieferung, Montage) war perfekt.

Daniel Gex

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Die Lieferung/Montage war einwandfrei und ich freue mich jeden Tag über das gelungene Resultat.

Judith Giger

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Hochwertige Büromöbel und der Service und die Lieferung waren erstklassig!

John Lee

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...Wunderschönes Design in hochwertiger Verarbeitung, eben ein Eyecatcher und optischer Hochgenuss....

Gabriele Stein

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5 Sterne für perfekten Service und erstklassige Möbel.

Michael Schuler

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Kompetente Beratung, Top Qualität der Möbel & schnelle Lieferung - Vielen Dank!


Original Classic

Kompetente Beratung, Top Qualität der Möbel & schnelle Lieferung - Vielen Dank!


Original Classic

Kompetente Beratung, Top Qualität der Möbel & schnelle Lieferung - Vielen Dank!


Original Classic

Kompetente Beratung, Top Qualität der Möbel & schnelle Lieferung - Vielen Dank!


Original Classic

Kompetente Beratung, Top Qualität der Möbel & schnelle Lieferung - Vielen Dank!


Original Classic

Kompetente Beratung, Top Qualität der Möbel & schnelle Lieferung - Vielen Dank!


Original Classic

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