Buy office furniture
in installments
You plan to enlarge or modernize your offices? Expand your room for maneuver.
We tailor our offer to meet your needs. We also offer planning service free of charge.
Our financing offer
Furnish your company top modern and representative. Without a high one-off investment. Customized, low monthly rates give you the necessary leeway for your big business decisions.
Favorable monthly rates
Fast, easy, convenient
From the beginning their property
Office furniture on account
Workplaces according to your requirements
Of course, you can buy your new furniture on account with us. We are also happy to take over the office planning for you free of charge. If you buy furniture on account, we will check your request within 48 hours. (Credit check via our financing partner). You have the option to pay for your order in 60 monthly installments.

All-inclusive price workplace
Height-adjustable professional desk 180cm + container
from CHF 27.80 per month

All-inclusive price workplace
Height-adjustable home desk 160cm + storage
from CHF 45.60 per month
Furniture on account buy – preserve liquidity!
Buying furniture on installments makes sense for larger amounts to avoid too high a one-time investment. We offer furniture installment, so you can set up your office, practice or law firm in desired function and perfect design from the very beginning. The first impression counts! Create modern, functional and representative office space, where you will immediately feel at home. Flexcube furniture is high quality and will accompany you for a lifetime.
Your business should flourish and should grow. High-quality office furniture can be used for many years and decades. Modular furniture can be adapted to any change and individual parts with signs of wear can be replaced even after years. To preserve liquidity, buying furniture on account, with predictable installments and manageable time periods, is the smart alternative to direct purchase and one-time investment. By purchasing Flexcube modular furniture we also make the purchase sustainable.
Order furniture on account
You want to order Flexcube furniture on account? Contact us for a customized offer.
Finance, lease or rent – What are the differences?
Ordering furniture and paying the total amount immediately is the classic way of buying furniture. However, conserving liquidity can be a good reason to consider alternatives.
Purchase on account with payment terms of up to 30 days and purchase by credit card provide a short-term time buffer. Installment payments in 1-3 monthly installments are often chosen for small amounts. For complete office equipment, furniture can also be purchased with 24-60 installments. Leasing or renting are two other, but less common, options.
Who buys furniture on installments, acquires ownership of the thing. You own all rights and freedoms to your property. Leasing and renting, on the other hand, means merely acquiring the right to use someone else’s property.
At the end of the leasing period, you can purchase the item by final payment, return it or lease the latest version. This option is particularly useful in areas with high technological progress. Leasing offers for furniture are for this reason rather rare.
The option to rent furniture refers mainly to the private sphere and is suitable, for example, for expats who stay only for a certain period of time. For a company event, furniture can also be rented from a trade fair outfitter.
Flexcube customer reviews
Die Lieferung hat super und termingerecht geklappt . Die Möbel sind wertig und formschön und könenn einfach ergänzt werden. Die Monteure haben vor Ort für 55 Büroarbeistplätze die Möbel innert 1.5 Tagen zusammengesetz. Das Preisleistungsverhältnis stimmt total.

Michael Doswald
Ich bin von flexcube begeistert! Alles (Konfiguration, Bestellung, Lieferung, Montage) war perfekt. Der Zusammenbau war einfach und hat auf Anhieb gepasst. Das Möbel ist schön und die Qualität ist top. Ich kann flexcube nur weiterempfehlen.

Daniel Gex
Wir haben über 25 Tische gekauft. Super Qualität. Besonders war auch der Service. Alles einwandfrei funktioniert!

Samuel Manz
Die Beratung und Lieferung war äusserst kompetent, freundlich und zuverlässig. Besonders die rasche Lieferung und Montageservice hat uns vollkommen zufrieden gestellt.

Petra Rattaggi
Beratung in Hünenberg: einfach top! Gute Ideen und Verständnis für die Kundenbedürfnisse Lieferung und Montage: pünktlich auf die Minute, freundliche MA und einwandfreie Arbeit Qualität: ohne jede Einschränkung zu empfehlen, die Möbel sind formschön, zweckmässig und machen nachhaltig Freude. Ich kann flexcube nur empfehlen - sowohl für Büros als auch für daheim

Karin Cornaz
Ich wollte endlich mein Büro praktisch und modern einrichten. Bei flexcube bin ich nicht nur fündig geworden, sondern konnte auch auf eine gute Beratung zählen. Die Lieferung/Montage war einwandfrei und ich freue mich jeden Tag über das gelungene Resultat.

Judith Giger
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